Friday, January 25, 2008

Diet course of Sukie; One thing that she can't forgive me...

As Sukie must reduce her weight, I decided to feed a dog food for her. First day for dog food, I think Sukie like it when she has a chance to change the recipe. Until the second day has come Sukie tries to ask a food for me, but I didn’t gave it (her favorite food is beef and liver) to her.

Sukie started to against her food, she came to moan with me all day. However, I try to ignore because I know that it is the best thing for her even Sukie will never be appreciate. (Without any snacks, sharing my meal, and one meals only)

One week passed, Sukie look like reduce a weigh for a little and doesn’t hurts her legs yet. You know it was the same time that Sukie feel angry on me the most. On last Monday beside Sukie came to moan with me, she also ignored her food and kicked her blow around home all night. (so both Sukie and I, nobody fall asleep!) it was the second time in this year that I am lost her (after the ‘Cake War’ that I must gave all cream of cake to Sukie) on the next day, I have buy her favorite food as she wish. But I set up a new schedule to Sukie that, I would allow her eat a favorite food on the work day. (just a half of the past) And for the weekend she must eat dog food for the health of her. Well, I don’t want to imagine about tomorrow …..

Sukie, please forgive me too.

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