Monday, March 24, 2008

I miss you, my little friend….

Last two weeks ago, I was a babysit for a girl that she is a daughter of my colleague. In fact ‘Pin’ ever came to my division (when that time is her vacation because she’s living with grandparent in the out of town) for a many times, but we didn’t close to each others as this time it was because on that time I get sick.

Pin doesn’t mischief making even she has 6 years old only. When I know that she would come to belong with us all week, I bring a lot of DVD’s cartoons for her and some coloring book for her. It was because of I don’t want to see her play a computer too much. I guess I am succeed to lure her to coloring and watching the cartoon in the mean time because I looked her really enjoy about it. So every noon after our lunch (I have taken a lunch with her also) Pin always asked me watch a cartoon and coloring and I MUST sitting beside and watch a cartoon with her too. Both Pin and I we are very close within three days passed, it because she is a single child like me and I understand ‘what is the way that she prefer to play?’

Hence, when my little friend really enjoy belong to me; the time for watching a cartoon and coloring would extend from only the noon to (almost) all day. You know she told me when I would go to another desk to work that “Sit down and bring your work to do here” She became my boss already! Until her mom said “My daughter is addicted you already Wan” In fact, I am addicted Pin too. When she doesn’t come to my office today I am very lonely and thinking of her all day when I don’t have a boss to ask me watch the cartoon together. I just aware “I miss her very much my little friend”

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